Lancaster Gate Tenants Committee

Welcome to the Lancaster Gate residents' website.

Lancaster Gate is an 84 suite leasehold apartment building in the West End of Vancouver B.C. The purpose of this website is to provide building residents and leaseholders with information that is pertinent to the safety, security and care of our mutual living space. This site is developed and managed by Lancaster Gate Tenants Committee.

Current Notices:

30-May-2024: The government has at long last responded to the concerns of leaseholders in BC. Thanks to EBLA (English Bay Leaseholders Association) for their hard work in fighting for and arranging this.

Residents (owners) who have yet to sign up for messages from EBLA can do so by contacting the Committee at

The following are letters from the Ministry of Housing and from our MLA, Spencer Chandra Herbert:

20-Oct-2023: You will have received notice from Pacific Quorum that an engineering firm will be inspecting balconies. There is broken concrete and/or stucco on a number of balcony edges and undersides. Providing access to the inspectors as per the notice will facilitate a more thorough remediation of this issue.

Past Notices

17-Oct-2023: The Annual General Meeting of Lancaster Gate Lessees will be held October 21/2023 at 2:30 PM, in the West End Community Centre auditorium on level one. For the meeting, we anticipate discussing the following:

  • Current Tenants' Committee makeup, principles of operation and goals
  • Report on recent/current/upcoming projects at Lancaster Gate
  • Report on issues clarified with property management
  • Input from tenants' committee and others concerning building issues
  • Appointment of committee members by secret ballot

Lessees or their representatives are welcome to attend. The meeting will be completed within two hours. Please bring a pen and notepaper, and your questions and suggestions. If any wish to contribute towards the rental of the meeting room, you may do so at the time of the meeting.

View details and agenda

18-Jul-2023: English Bay Leaseholders Association: GENERAL MEETING
Auditorium - West End Community Centre
Monday, August 14th, 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Open to all leaseholders at Lancaster Gate.

If you attend and sign in, your name will be added to the EBLA mailing list. You can be removed upon request. There are usually no more than 2 mailouts a year.

If you can't attend and want to be added to the mailing list, please email the Committee.



April 2020

January 2019

June 2018

December 2017



Emergency Procedures


Current building rules



Purpose of the committee

Committee membership

Rental Housing Task Force submission
