Lancaster Gate Tenants Committee


October 20, 2023

You will have received notice from Pacific Quorum that an engineering firm will be inspecting balconies. There is broken concrete and/or stucco on a number of balcony edges and undersides. Providing access to the inspectors as per the notice will facilitate a more thorough remediation of this issue.

October 17, 2023

The Annual General Meeting of Lancaster Gate Lessees will be held October 21/2023 at 2:30 PM, in the West End Community Centre auditorium on level one. For the meeting, we anticipate discussing the following:

  • Current Tenants' Committee makeup, principles of operation and goals
  • Report on recent/current/upcoming projects at Lancaster Gate
  • Report on issues clarified with property management
  • Input from tenants' committee and others concerning building issues
  • Appointment of committee members by secret ballot

Lessees or their representatives are welcome to attend. The meeting will be completed within two hours. Please bring a pen and notepaper, and your questions and suggestions. If any wish to contribute towards the rental of the meeting room, you may do so at the time of the meeting.

View details and agenda

July 18, 2023

English Bay Leaseholders Association: GENERAL MEETING
Auditorium - West End Community Centre
Monday, August 14th, 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Open to all leaseholders at Lancaster Gate.

If you attend and sign in, your name will be added to the EBLA mailing list. You can be removed upon request. There are usually no more than 2 mailouts a year.

If you can't attend and want to be added to the mailing list, please email the Committee.

July 17, 2023

The glass/jar recycling bin is full of cardboard and paper. We have had a few instances of the company not hauling away recyclables because people are not using as directed and/or are not breaking down cardboard boxes. We need to be more mindful. Thank you for your cooperation.

October 22, 2022

Recycling Reminder: We've had a few occasions where workers have refused to empty our recycling bins as residents are not abiding by protocols. For example: intact cardboard boxes have been thrown in blue bins and large dumpster; plastic bags have been thrown in food scraps and glass/jars bins.

Plastic bags cannot be thrown in blue or green bins.

From Article 21, RULES, GARBAGE:

  • Cardboard boxes must be flattened.
  • Large cardboard boxes from: moving, TVs, and household items or appliances should be cut up into smaller pieces so they fit easily in the Blue Bins. Do not put cardboard boxes in the domestic garbage dumpster.

May 24, 2022

The Lancaster Gate Tenants' Committee General Meeting & Elections 2022 will be held on June 19th, from 2:00PM to 4:30PM, at the West End Community Centre Auditorium. All leaseholders (suite owners) are invited to attend.

View details and agenda

November 25, 2020

In light of the current state of Covid-19 in the city and province — with cases escalating — the Committee is encouraging everyone to follow Management's decision to abide by Dr. Bonnie Henry's directive to wear masks in public areas; this will mean residents and visitors wearing masks in all common areas of the building, including the elevator, lobby, hallways, laundry room and parking levels.

Unless we all do our part, this scourge is never going to end. Protecting others is a responsibility.

Be safe, be thoughtful. Thank you.

B.C.'s mask mandate applies to apartment and condo hallways

original tweet from Spencer Chandra Herbert

June 28, 2020

Pacific Quorum has advised that this year's Home Owner Grant Forms will be mailed to us in July. The grant application deadline has been adjusted in keeping with the extended property tax deadline of September 30, 2020.

June 2, 2020

When entering and exiting the building by the back door, please be cautious as the cement on this walkway has become worn to the point it is smooth and extremely slippery when wet. The stairs leading to and from the walkway have patches that are similarly smooth and of concern. Management has been informed.

June 1, 2020

If you turn on a water tap — don't leave it until it has filled the tub or sink. Several incidents have occurred with sinks and tubs overflowing and water egress to other suites causing damage. The building insurance will not cover this type of episode. If you cause a flood of water in another suite and do not have insurance and/or do not repair the other suites you may have a legal action to deal with as well.

April 6, 2020

For your reading pleasure, a brand new edition of the Lancaster Gate Gazette is now available on this site.

April 4, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic is upon us and we are all encouraged to follow the directions of our health experts to minimize risk to ourselves and our neighbours from the virus. Detailed information is available on our notice by the elevator, or from Vancouver Coastal Health at or at 1-888-268-4319. Seniors can now access practical supports during the pandemic by calling the 211 helpline.

March 8, 2020

Please don't prevent elevator doors from closing by holding the door open with your arm or body. Use the OPEN button, temporarily. By forcing the door to stay open, you are overworking and destroying the motor controlling the door. You're also making others wait for the elevator. Please step off the elevator to continue your conversation. If you require the elevator to be open for any length of time, contact the building caretaker.

January 1, 2020

Happy New Year!

December 4, 2019

An advance notice — that balconies may be inspected for repairs in the spring.

November 14, 2019

Intercom is back online. Any further problems should be reported directly to building manager.

November 6, 2019

Smoke alarms are being replaced — residents are reminded to read the instruction leaflet included with their new alarm.

September 24, 2019

There is a new building plumber, please refer to the notice board in the lobby for more information. Any concerns should be reported directly to the Property Manager.

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